Secretaria de Turismo de Bagé

Hotel do Comércio / Loja de Departamentos

Clube Comercial

  O prédio inicialmente foi residência do Sr. Antônio Barbosa Netto. Mais tarde foi sede do Hotel Paris, até 1925, quando foi adquirido para ali ser construída a sede do Clube Comercial.
  O Clube Comercial foi inaugurado em 03 de junho de 1886 e teve quatro sedes: na Av. General Osório (atual Lojão Total), no “Solar da Sociedade Espanhola”, ao lado da Rádio Difusora (1934-1937) e na sede atual, na Avenida Sete de Setembro, cuja construção foi concluída em 1937.

Endereço: Sete de Setembro 1051
Horário: segunda a sexta das 13h30 às 19h. Quando há eventos faz horários diferenciados.
Telefone: (53) 3242-4244
Facebook: @clube.comercialdebage
Clube Comercial


Commercial Club

    The building was initially the residence of Mr. Antônio Barbosa Netto. Later it was the headquarters of the Hotel Paris, until 1925, when it was acquired to build the headquarters of the Commercial Club there. The Commercial Club was inaugurated on June 3, 1886 and had four headquarters: at Av. General Osório (now Lojão Total), at “Solar da Sociedade Espanhola”, next to Rádio Difusora (1934-1937) and at the current headquarters, on Avenida Sete de Setembro, whose construction was completed in 1937.

Address: September 7th 1051

Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 1:30 pm to 7:00 pm. When there are events, it has different times.

Phone: (53) 3242-4244

Facebook: @clube.comercialdebage



Commerce Hotel

Founded in 1842 by the French João Luiz Caputo, it is considered to be the first hotel in Bagé. Its façade faces the current Rua Barão do Amazonas, at the time Rua do Comércio, which explains its name. At the end of the first decade of the 20th century, it underwent a major renovation, after its owners had acquired the neighboring land, moving its façade to Avenida Sete de Setembro. This new project, in Greco Roman style, was in charge of the architect Mr. Rodolfo Arhons.

After this renovation, it was considered one of the most luxurious and comfortable hotels in the state, with perfect hygiene, being at the time the only building in Bagé to have its own sewers and the first in Rio Grande do Sul to have a sink in the rooms. The kitchen service was splendid and there was, in the cellar, a collection of foreign wines from different origins.

According to historian Elizabeth Fagundes, the main actions of the Bajeense leaders of the 1923 Revolution were articulated in its premises. Between the 1950s and 1960s, in its premises, mainly the restaurant and the internal gardens, they were considered the center of intellectuals in the Pampa region.

Hotel do Comércio is currently closed for renovations, but should return to activity at the end of 2018, with the installation of an Americanas store and a beautiful indoor garden.

Address: September 729


El Club Comercial


El edificio originalmente fue residencia del Sr. Antonio Barbosa Netto. Más tarde fue sede del Hotel Paris, hasta 1925, cuando fue adquirido para allí ser construida la sede del Clube Comercial.

    El Club Comercial fue inaugurado en 3 de junio de 1886 y tuvo cuatro sedes: en Av. General Osório (actual Lojão Total), en el "Solar da Sociedade Espanhola", al lado de la Rádio Difusora (1934-1937) y en la sede actual, en la Sete de Setembro, cuya construcción se concluyó en 1937.

Dirección: Sete de Setembro 1051
Horario: de lunes a viernes de las 13h30 a las 19h. Cuando hay eventos los horarios son diferenciados.
Teléfono: (53) 3242-4244
Facebook: @clube.comercialdebage

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